Barry Bonds has been whining lately about being singled out by the media for the alleged use of performance enhancing drugs. Bonds, who still claims innocence, believes this is unfair.
The San Francisco Giants, who Bonds has played for since 1993, has chosen to not renew Bonds contract. This is a little bit of a surprise since Bonds has surpassed Hank Aaron’s home run record in August. The Giants made no comment as to why they would not resign Bonds.
“I don’t bring baggage to a team. I’ve never brought baggage to a team. I’ve brought my baseball bag, but I don’t bring any baggage. I go on the field and I play,” says Barry. I think this is pretty much the biggest load of crap ever. Bonds takes a lot away from the Giants. Their fans do not him and therefore are not committed to the team 100%. It can be argued that this takes a little bit of the advantage of playing at home, to have your own fans boo a member of the team. He also brings a lot of bad publicity to the Giants. As for the team who signs him for the 2008 season, they will have a lot to deal with. Their fans will probably not be too happy with them. I know if the White Sox decide to take on Barry Bonds, I would be horribly disappointed.
As for Bonds crying about being targeted by the media, I think can be argued either way. I’m not a fan of Bonds at all, and just hearing his name makes me cringe a little bit, but I do feel like he is being targeted. But all in good reason. He clearly has been under the influence of something that has made him double in size over a short period of time. However, he has never failed a drug test. He’s targeted so much because of his questionable character. He also has the homerun record after surpassing the precious record of 755 homeruns that was held by Hank Aaron. Since the hitting of these homeruns without the use of performance enhancing drugs is arguable, a lot of people are upset. The record books are essentially ruined by this scandal. This is why the media is targeting him so much.
He isn’t the only one. Mark McGuire spent sometime in the spot light as well. McGuire broke the single season home run record in 1998 but this was broken by Bonds in 2001. McGuire has never been convicted of using steroids but his innocence has been questioned. The baseball steroid scandal made the opinions of Mark McGuire go from one of admiration to one of disdain.
So is Barry Bonds being singled out by the media for the use of performance enhancing drugs? Yes. Is it unfair? Maybe. But I think he deserves it. I, along with most other baseball fans, believe that Barry Bonds is guilty of using performance enhancing drugs and should pay for it, if this includes being ridiculed by the media and having the Giants not renew his contract, then so be it.
The San Francisco Giants, who Bonds has played for since 1993, has chosen to not renew Bonds contract. This is a little bit of a surprise since Bonds has surpassed Hank Aaron’s home run record in August. The Giants made no comment as to why they would not resign Bonds.
“I don’t bring baggage to a team. I’ve never brought baggage to a team. I’ve brought my baseball bag, but I don’t bring any baggage. I go on the field and I play,” says Barry. I think this is pretty much the biggest load of crap ever. Bonds takes a lot away from the Giants. Their fans do not him and therefore are not committed to the team 100%. It can be argued that this takes a little bit of the advantage of playing at home, to have your own fans boo a member of the team. He also brings a lot of bad publicity to the Giants. As for the team who signs him for the 2008 season, they will have a lot to deal with. Their fans will probably not be too happy with them. I know if the White Sox decide to take on Barry Bonds, I would be horribly disappointed.
As for Bonds crying about being targeted by the media, I think can be argued either way. I’m not a fan of Bonds at all, and just hearing his name makes me cringe a little bit, but I do feel like he is being targeted. But all in good reason. He clearly has been under the influence of something that has made him double in size over a short period of time. However, he has never failed a drug test. He’s targeted so much because of his questionable character. He also has the homerun record after surpassing the precious record of 755 homeruns that was held by Hank Aaron. Since the hitting of these homeruns without the use of performance enhancing drugs is arguable, a lot of people are upset. The record books are essentially ruined by this scandal. This is why the media is targeting him so much.
He isn’t the only one. Mark McGuire spent sometime in the spot light as well. McGuire broke the single season home run record in 1998 but this was broken by Bonds in 2001. McGuire has never been convicted of using steroids but his innocence has been questioned. The baseball steroid scandal made the opinions of Mark McGuire go from one of admiration to one of disdain.
So is Barry Bonds being singled out by the media for the use of performance enhancing drugs? Yes. Is it unfair? Maybe. But I think he deserves it. I, along with most other baseball fans, believe that Barry Bonds is guilty of using performance enhancing drugs and should pay for it, if this includes being ridiculed by the media and having the Giants not renew his contract, then so be it.
I think that the media does, in a way, target Barry Bonds in a way that he probably doesn't deserve. I am not a Giants fan or a Barry Bonds fan, but he has never tested positive for any illegal substance. The difference between Bonds and Mark McGwire is that McGwire, at one time during the season, admitted to taking an illegal substance. Bonds claims that he never has, so he is not the same. Whether he did or not, I'm not sure, but you have to go by the tests, and they have been negative so far. And even if he did, he still would be one of the greatest players to play the game without them if he hadn't.
I believe Barry Bonds when he says he has never taken steroids. At least when they were illegal. Steroids haven't always been illegal in baseball, so what would the problem be if he had taken them beforehand? Jose Conseco's book, where he is stated as allegedly taking steroids, mentions it, but it does not say when for sure. So if Bonds had, it could have been before they were banned, and as voiceofreason stated, he never failed a drug test. There is no proof that he ever took steroids, so the media just needs to back off! Get over it!
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