Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Great One
The Future of the Anaheim Ducks

Greg Oden: Another Heart-Breaking Pick, or Still-Destined for Greatness Player?

Being from Indianapolis, my high school played against Oden and Conley, and the rest of the Lawrence North Wildcats’ superstar team, winners of 3 straight Indiana state championships and one undefeated (29-0) season, a 24-2 season, and a 29-2 season. I had the opportunity to speak with him, after a game against us, about what he was going to do after high school (at this point he had not decided where to go), and he is one of the nicest, well-spoken basketball players I’ve talked to. He wasn’t cocky, he wasn’t ignoring those who wanted to speak to him. This is one reason, I believe, that he will be able to continue on in Portland, despite a rookie season ending surgery. For the roughly 4 years I’ve known him, everything he believed he could do, he HAS done. So why should this be any different? Why should sitting out one season, strengthening himself, put doubt over him whether he will be able to play at his potential? I believe that he will come back next season and be just as good, if not better, than he was in the pre season this year. If you disagree, that’s your problem, but you watch and see, then you’ll feel like an idiot when he’s helping to lead the Portland Trail Blazers into the playoffs, and at some point, possibly and NBA Championship.
Friday, September 14, 2007
OJ in trouble again...

Yankees vs. Red Sox

What Was Belichick Thinking?

One assistant coach claims that the legal stealing of plays is just “good coaching”, but when you start using video equipment to steal signs, you’re off the reservation. Another reason that most coaches have never tried anything like this before is due to the fact that it may not be worth the risk of getting caught, of attaining the first punishment for something like this. Like Belichick, for example, was fined $500,000, the Patriots were ordered to pay another $250,000, and they had to forfeit draft picks for spying on an opponent’s defensive signals. Now what surprises me the most is, the Patriots had already beaten down the Jets in first round of the playoffs just last year. Why is Belichick so threatened to the point of videotaping the opponents’ defensive signals? Why can’t he just have his assistants do what all other teams do, that being visually watching them and watching for the signals?
Now, league commissioner Roger Goodell only considered suspending Belichick, but then thought better of it, and decided to come up with something much more longer lasting. He fined Belichick with the largest fine in league history, $500,000, which is roughly 12% of Belichick’s 2007 salary. And on top of that, the Patriots were forced to forfeit their first round draft pick for this next season, and possibly will have to give up more, but this is still unknown. I leave you with just one question, was it really worth it? Was trying to get a little bit of an edge on the opponent really worth possibly making your team lose a top incomer next year, and ruin your reputation?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Why's everyone so mad at Ozzie?

Sunday, September 9, 2007
And so begins football season...
However, Michigan arch rivals, Notre Dame, have no place to be excited however. Being as their season is off to a depressing 0-2 start as well. Apparently this new rookie quarterback of theirs is not filling the shoes of his predecessor.
However, there are important big ten games coming up the next few weeks. Next weekend Michigan and Notre Dame will play and one of the teams will inevitably have a win for the season. All of a sudden the Notre Dame vs. Michigan game becomes a lot more important for each team than it has in the past because the loser of this game will be 0-3.